Heal at Home Moms “Sue Your Baby”

A slightly outrageous internet ad for postpartum moms.

Because let’s be real, it’s time to bust the myth that moms have to quietly accept their fate.

Insides :15

S-E-X :15

Hurt to Sit :15

Directing the Ad

SUE YOUR BABY is the slightly outrageous idea behind an internet ad that I directed for Heal at Home Moms. The program was created by a doctor of physical therapy, Jena Beise, and its mission is to put moms back in control of their bodies. So moms: "don't sue your baby, heal your body.”

This concept struck me as the perfect mix of the sacred and the profane, and moms often go through life with a false cheer about their bodies. Some of the best moments were from lines we ad lib’d on set. The lines were funnier because they were so true.

“Mommy tummy” and peeing your pants when you sneeze are not the new normal.

*Spoiler Alert*

This ad features real moms.